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Press Release: R3 Continuum Achieves HITRUST CSF Certification

Jamie Gassmann
January 30, 2018

R3 Continuum Achieves HITRUST CSF® Certification to Manage Risk, Improve Security Posture and Meet Compliance Requirements

HITRUST CSF Certification validates R3 Continuum is committed to meeting key regulations and protecting sensitive information

MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 29, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — R3 Continuum (R3), a leading provider of solutions for managing complex disability and workers’ compensation claims and disruptive workplace events, today announced their case management administration, operations, and systems have earned Certified status for information security by HITRUST.

HITRUST CSF Certified status demonstrates that the organization’s case management administration, operations, and systems have met key regulations and industry-defined requirements and are appropriately managing risk. This achievement places R3 Continuum in an elite group of organizations worldwide that have earned this certification. By including federal and state regulations, standards and frameworks, and incorporating a risk-based approach, the HITRUST CSF helps organizations address these challenges through a comprehensive and flexible framework of prescriptive and scalable security controls.

“It is important to stay vigilant in the ever-changing security landscape, this certification reinforces our commitment to the security and protection of our client’s private healthcare information,” said Scott Alfieri, CEO of R3. “This level of security protection is the new standard of practice, and I am proud our organization has aligned our security posture to meet this new standard and earn the HITRUST CSF certification.”

“One of our core values at R3 is to ‘do the right thing,’ obtaining this certification is the right thing to do for our customers,” said Jim Mortensen, President of R3. “Protection of sensitive healthcare information at the HITRUST CSF certification level is the new standard and expectation. We are happy to provide the level of security protection our customers have grown to expect, and are proud to be able to do that at the highest level by receiving the HITRUST CSF certification.”

“The HITRUST CSF has become the information protection framework for the health care industry, and the CSF Assurance program is bringing a new level of effectiveness and efficiency to third-party assurance,” said Ken Vander Wal, Chief Compliance Officer, HITRUST. “The HITRUST CSF Certification is now the benchmark that organizations required to safeguard PHI are measured against with regards to information protection.”

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Contact us for more information on R3’s HITRUST Certification