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Press release: R3 Continuum adds Pre-Employment Screening to Services

John Cloonan
February 28, 2017

New service helps test, assess, and select the best candidates for difficult positions and work sites

Edina, MN – 2-28-2017. R3 Continuum (R3) announced today the addition of pre-employment screening to their overall suite of services – the continuum of their name.

Pre-employment psychological screening is a specialized examination to assess whether job candidates meet the psychological, emotional, and cognitive requirements for all position types, ranging from entry level to high-level security to directors and executives. These may be regulatory, statutory, or employer requirements for suitability for the job. For most employers, the requirements are designed to ensure that the candidate can safely perform the job duties, and that they have the capacity to manage the psychological demands of the occupation. These types of screens are useful for remote job sites, difficult working conditions, emotionally or mentally taxing positions, or for positions with a high public profile.

The new pre-employment screening service involves a review of the position, work site, and job characteristics to identify important psychological factors, a clinical interview and psychological testing, and a conclusive report regarding the candidate’s suitability for employment.

“Many employers have positions that are emotionally demanding, or occur in physically difficult or remote locations. It’s important to them that their employees are psychologically suited to safely and effectively work in these types of environments.” said Dr. S. Kathryn Steele, a staff psychologist at R3. “The employee also benefits from knowing they can handle the psychological demands of this type of work or workplace.”

R3 has over 200 providers nationwide across a spectrum of mental health professions, and their credentialing and clinical quality processes ensure the highest standards of evaluation.

More information about this assessment will be offered in two webinar sessions. These sessions will be held on April 6th and April 12th at 1pm. For information and registration for these sessions, please contact R3 using the contact page on their website at