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Surviving the Holidays

Sunny Sorensen
December 27, 2017

Stop. Take a deep breath. Now, slowly let it out. It’s important to stop from time to time and take a moment to simply breathe, especially during the holidays. At this time of the year, many of us are overbooked. We add more errands and tasks to our already full schedules. That’s why it’s especially important to stop and enjoy life. Take a moment to just be in the moment. Whether you are stuck in traffic or relaxing at home, stop and reflect on the good in your life. Make time to just be and to really enjoy the positive things that are going on around you. 

As you reflect on your childhood, do you recall all the gifts that you received throughout the years or is it the cherished memories of the time with your loved ones that you remember?  Too often we over think the moment and stress about ensuring we have the perfect gift for the special people in our lives.  Instead, make it your goal to focus on the positive. Consider keeping a journal to jot these down or collect the memories in a jar. Long after the decorations have been put away and the presents are forgotten, you’ll have these memories to savor. There will still be some difficult days. It’s important on bad days to make the time to look for the good because all of those little good things add up. 

Make this the year to be a holiday survivor. Take a moment every day to pause and reflect on what an amazing life this is and how blessed you truly are. Do this and you’ll be more likely to not only survive the holidays but to really enjoy them!

About the Author: Sunny Sorensen has over 5 years’ experience coordinating with EAPs and consultants to help employees and manager with disruptive event management. She currently serves as Team Leader for the R3 Continuum Response Center.