I’m a geek. I like numbers, models, and the big picture. Like a moth to a flame, I find big data both enticing and terrifying. When it comes to outlining clinical best practices, I want to understand the available evidence. But really, why would a disability and workers compensation medical director care about predictive modeling? Continue reading
Why this medical director cares about predictive modeling, and why you should too!
January 31, 2017
R3 Continuum’s chief medical officer, Dr. Les Kertay, was recently published on The Claim Lab’s blog.
About the Author: Dr. Les Kertay, Ph.D., ABPP, LP, a licensed and board certified clinical psychologist, provides clinical direction and perspective to all areas of R3 Continuum as chief medical officer. He brings extensive experience and expertise in the arena of mind-body health including disability medicine, chronic pain, health behaviors, and managing workplace absence. With over 15 years in executive leadership positions in the medical and vocational areas of the disability insurance industry, Dr. Kertay has presented at national and international conferences on topics related to the psychological aspects of work and disability, practical approaches to managing psychosocial issues in medical practice, pain management, somatoform and personality disorders, and professional ethics. Also, in addition to other publications, he is a contributor to three books on psychosocial aspects of complex disability claims and is lead editor for the AMA Guides to Navigating Disability Benefit Systems. Dr. Kertay is also a practicing clinician and industry consultant.