Crisis Response

Recovering from Distress

We provide your employees with the support and tools they need, so they can recover faster from a disruptive event, and are ready to return to work sooner.

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Crisis Response

"R3's onsite counselor was absolutely amazing! She stayed until the work was done and I was extremely impressed with how situational she was with each group/individual interaction."

- R3 Crisis Response Customer

Related Solutions

Onsite or Telephonic Disruptive Event Management

Timely, thorough, and customized support for leadership and employees following a disruptive workplace event to foster a culture of psychological safety.

24/7 Telephonic Support

Effective, convenient, and economical telephonic support for your individual employees following a disruptive event, to aid in maintaining productivity.

Case Coordination

Return-to-work focused interventions that help employees receive the right level of care needed to overcome underlying psychosocial barriers, aiding in your ability to reduce claim duration and lost productivity.

Leadership Consultation

Innovative practices, strategies and tools to help leaders support their organization and employees in recovery.